Who could have ever imagined that a place where only a bush and wild creatures thrived today stands as a magnificent view of a campus – a home to over 340 children thriving academically, spiritually, and socially! Since it’s founding in 2005, Uganda Rural Fund has placed major emphasis on creating opportunities for education for orphans and underprivileged children in rural communities.
Hope Academy which opened in 2008 has been the epicenter of this educational mission of URF. The school began with one building with 7 students and now boosts of over 340 students at kindergarten, secondary, and vocational levels.
We have since added a main hall, two dormitory buildings, a welding and soap production facility, as well as teachers’ quarters. Additionally, we have set up a chicken coop, a goat farm, and a pig farm on campus. All this was made possible by our generous friends, donors, and volunteers supporting our team of dedicated staff and teachers. To all of you, we say THANK YOU.