Life is precious! Losing two children within one month is heartbreaking. I can only imagine the pain parents go through when they lose a child.
On August 30, 2019, Anthony succumbed to bone cancer and on September 18, 2019 yet another tragedy losing Baby Pauline.

Anthony Kato
Our little Anthony Kato gave out his last breath on August 30th. Only 15 years and succumbed to this monstrous cancer. He fought, but unfortunately, by the time we got to him to help, the bone cancer had spread to the lungs, abdomen and possibly the brains.

Anthony was a little gentle boy with a calm personality, full of life and eager to learn.
It all started with a fall on a bike 🚲 last year and fractured a bone in his thigh. Was treated for a while, but then fell again walking through a door. This time around, the family didn’t have money for him to get proper treatment at a major hospital.
The leg started swelling to the size you see now. It turned cancerous. Pastor Lwazi’s family took him to provide some care. That’s how we (Uganda Rural Fund) found him a month ago.

URF brought him to Uganda Cancer Institute and scans/tests indicated that cancer had spread to the lungs and the Doctors were not optimistic about his chances of making it; but nonetheless they tried. Ultimately, it’s all in God’s hands 🙏.
He was started on chemo and also manage the pain. We also attempted some nutritional intervention. But all in vain 😐. However, till this morning, Anthony could still talk but was gasping for breath and was put on oxygen. Later in the evening of Friday, Aug 30, about 10:30 pm the Lord called him home and breathed his last breath.

We are deeply grateful to all of you friends, for your prayers and financial support. Many thanks to Pastor Lwazi’s family for taking in Anthony as their own son, Carol from URF for being there all the way, the doctors and staff at Uganda Cancer Institute for your dedication to the care for children battling cancer.

We walked with the family through this last stage of Anthony’s life, assisting with funeral logistics. He finally laid to rest at his ancestral home in Busitema. Rest in peace, Anthony!
Baby Pauline
It was a complete shock learning of the passing of Baby Pauline on the morning of September 18th. Pauline had undergone successful heart surgery in India in March. She was doing well and looking good. She was going for regular follow up at the Uganda Heart Institute and there was nothing alarming.

A few days prior to her death, she came down with a cold and cough, and in two days she was gone 😢😒. This was so unexpected. We really don’t know what went wrong. Anyhow, life and death matters are in God’s hands.
Pauline was laid to rest at her father’s home in Ntonvu, Rakai. Thanks once again to those who contributed toward her surgery in an attempt to save her life. Pauline had been given only two months to live if the surgery is not done. URF stepped and solicited support from friends and we beat that deadline and she survived the operation. How now six months later, things took a different turn. May the soul of this beautiful angel Rest In Peace 🙏.
To help save the lives of children like Anthony and Pauline, please consider a contribution to or Mobile Money in Uganda to +(256) 776-455545 or +(256) 703-829401 (Judith). Thanks.