Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

Uganda Rural Fund Kampala Chapter was launched in June 2009 by Ugandan young professionals and university students. These young people were inspired by the work URF was doing for the less privileged.


To inspire young Ugandans to pull together our talents and expertise to build up our communities by promoting the cause of URF and reaching out to wider constituencies around Uganda.


The URF Kampala Chapter:

  • Organizes regular workshops.
  • Connects people with necessary medical assessments, treatments, and follow-up care.
  • Provides professional services, such as accounting, legal guidance, and research.
  • Collects scholastic materials, including used textbooks, for the children at Hope Integrated Academy.
  • Organizes fundraising events in Kampala.
  • Networks with local organizations, social service groups, and business partners within Kampala.
  • Participates in community projects in community projects with international volunteers.
  • Runs youth camps for students and local youth in the villages.
  • Makes a monthly monetary contribution, which contributes to the teachers’ salary fund at Hope Integrated Academy.

Those in Uganda interested in joining this vibrant team, please contact or join the Facebook group.