Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

Samuel bouncing back from severe malnutrition | Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

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  • Baby Samuel bouncing back from severe malnutrition
20 Jun

Baby Samuel is making steady progress. As you can see his cute face is shining. He is putting on some little weight slowly. There has been a huge improvement since we meet him a few weeks ago. He is suffering from severe malnutrition.

Samuel was discharged on Thursday 06/18/2020 after spending a week at the hospital in Masaka for medical evaluation. He was placed under a nutritional program.

At the hospital, they recommended a feeding plan to continue from home and will be going back regularly for review.

All the tests were negative and the Doctor said he will be fine; he is just severely malnourished.

Samuel makes one year on June 24th. He was abandoned to a granny who is handicap and walks with clutches. It was challenging for her to take care of him properly. We hired a lady caretaker (in the picture) to stay with the family until the boy is back on the normal child development track.

Thanks 🙏 to our friends who are extending their love to Samuel and other children.

Many thanks to those who gifted Samuel with this shopping: he got a new crib, mattress, bedsheets, clothes, pampers, utensils, etc. He gets a daily supply of milk.
