Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

Dry stands: simple sanitary tool to improve household hygiene | Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

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  • URF builds Dry Stands: A simple tool to improve sanitation and household hygiene for village homes
28 Nov
A mother with a deaf son at their new dry stand

Development involves not just the big things of life such as; education, health care, business skills, e.t.c. but also small things like; dry stands, garbage pits, clean latrines that greatly improve household hygiene. Proper sanitation is a key concern for people in rural communities and poor sanitation is associated with high risk of diseases.

Based on that rationale, URF has invested in a relatively low-cost program of building dry stands for families in rural villages. These families are selected by the local village leaders who know their needs very well and make recommendation to URF. For instance, in the picture above is a mother with a deaf son whose family is a beneficiary of this project.

Dry stands are used as drying racks for pans and other household utensils after they are washed. The rack provide proper space for safeguarding clean utensils from being ran over by chickens, pigs and whatever animals maybe domesticated in the home. It ensures that the clean utensils don’t pick up germs if left on the lying on the dirty ground to dry.

The projects rotates from village to village. The family provides all the material, especially the wood/logs for poles and URF provides the wire mesh and nails. Our staff, volunteers, and Hope Academy students work with members who might be able to help to get the project accomplished. It is a collaborative effort.

Hope Academy graduates making a dry stand


A beneficiary family with their new dry stand


