Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

Here is what your donation can accomplish. Every single dollar goes a long way. If you wish to donate toward any item below, please make check to Uganda Rural Fund and indicate designation. Mail to:
Uganda Rural Fund. 12829 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238.

If you have any questions, please contact or 763-291-1102.

Item Quantity     Unit Cost Total
School Van 1 $13,000
Teachers’ Salaries $1200/Month $14,400/year
Classrooms $81,000
Textbooks $3,000
Land for students gardening  5 acres $6,000
Windows (glasses)
Plastering & Painting 8 rooms 600/each $4,800
Hand Hoes for students gardening 130 $5/each $650
Microscopes 4
Music Instruments (drums) $800
Soccer balls 10  $20 each               $200
Volleyball Balls 10  $10 each               $200
Student Lunch $10/student $1,300/term
Security Guard $200/month $2400/year
 Chicken Project start up for income          $4,000



NEEDED ITEM QUANTITY Unit Cost -UGS Unit Cost- US Dollar
Chalk 32 boxes for a term 2500/= $1.40
Pens 4 Boxes 15,000/= $8.40
Prep Books 28 ( a year) 3,000/= $1.70
Staples Cartoon 10,000/= $5.60
Carbon Paper 1 packet(term) 5,000/= $2.80
Class Registers 6 booklets ( a year) 1500/= $0.90
Office Glue 2 Dozens ( a year) 10,000/= $5.60
tape 50 a year 2,000/= $1.30
White wash 5 tins (a year) 3,000/= $1.70
Markers 5 boxes 12,000/= $1.70
Printer Cartridge 3 120,000/= $67.00
Photocopying cartridge 2 90,000/= $50

If you can help, please email us at or send a check indicating the item you are buying to Uganda Rural Fund. 12829 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238. Or if you are travelling to Uganda to volunteer, you can donate the cash in Uganda.

Classroom Building (Ground Floor): $81,000

Hope Academy Full scale expansion – budget not ready but the site plan is below. This includes:

  • Classrooms
  • Student dormitories
  • Library, Computer center, Science labs
  • Community Center
  • Medical Clinic