Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

The time of harvest is here: Hope Students take end of year exams - Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

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  • The time of harvest is here: Hope Students take end of year exams
16 Nov
Students taking exams

The harvest time is here! Every end of year, students undertake exams that determine whether they should be promoted to another class or not.

During the trimester, students take three different sets of exams: at the beginning, mid term, and end of term exams. Their final score is an average of the three exams.

These exams have helped to increase a spirit of competition among students hence academic excellence. The Exams started on 14th/11/2011 and shall run for 2 weeks. On December 02nd, 2011 they shall go for the long holiday for two months returning for new academic year beginning in February.

by Thaddeus Kweyamba, Headmaster
