It’s that season of the year when students completing O’level and A’level have to reap what they sowed in the past four or two years respectively.
This year’s class of 24 students is Hope Academy’s third graduating class since the school started in 2008. So far, there has been a steady improvement in academic performance on the national exams. All our students pass and qualify to attend A’level or vocational institutions.
Once exams are finished in November, the students stay home to help their parents with farm work or find small jobs to earn some income for further education.
We have started a new program for Hope Academy Alumni to give back to the community. The students will be encouraged to volunteer at least due two days of the week during their vacation time to contribute to community projects at URF as a token of appreciation for the education URF has provided them.
We wish them good luck and success in their exams and the best of everything in their future education careers and life in general.
Thanks to all of you have sponsored them or supported their education in many different ways.