We have a great pool of talent in Uganda as the percentage of young people graduating from college/university rises. There is a great deal of brain power and passionate souls, and if we could tap into this resource, with all the energy and enthusiasm young people have for their country, we can really set our country on a path to greater prospects of both social and economic development.
URF is making efforts to mobilize young professionals and university students within Kampala and around the country to engage in community development at the grassroots level. The Kampala Chapter is a very vibrant team of dedicated young people coming from all sorts of professions, academic, social and economic background. They bring with them an immense repository of skills and expertise in different fields– education, law, social work, engineering, civil service, etc. The group is grouping rapidly with over 60 members.
Here are a few highlights from recent meetings:
“Kampala chapter meeting went well, attended 27 members. Members reported that land was donated for building the nursery school Lwetamu village and budget is ready. Some donated building material such as sand, bricks, trees, etc. Emphasis was put on mentorship for the kids and the issue of a female to female and male to male and that there are still many students without mentors. The leadership workshop is set for Aug 27th and members
were asked to suggest topics to be presented.
Sept 09th is date for Young professional’s camp and training at URF in Masaka expecting
100 participants. Different departments were created to work on particular projects. New members are being fixed in different groups to help out.
The library team has received some UNEB Question banks and books. Others were encouraged to donate books. Team is compiling the master peace list of the library acquisitions from nursery (kindergarten) to A’Level and vocational programs.
“The reports from community visits were collected and a combined one will be made so that we use it when we approach agencies and companies for possibilities of partnering with URF,”…by Otto Grace
And also from a previous meeting, Prossy wrote:
“We had a meeting yesterday 28th July; it was such a big crowd of 33 members. This time the men were quite many compared to the usual meetings. Many things were discussed like Mentorship progress, project developments, library projects and many more.
As a mentorship coordinator we tried to make members understand what mentorship is all about, many people fear to choose these students as mentors because their worried they don’t have anything to offer. Mentorship is not about giving the student necessities like pocket money, tuition. Mentorship for kids is sharing experiences, knowledge, guiding that child on how to excel in academics, showing that child brother and sister love because many of these students are orphans they need to feel that love which can help them have hope. some are child headed.
Please members and future Members of URF we need to join hands and support these children. they need our love.”..by Prossy Mpagi

Also Prossy Namayanya writes about her experience of visiting the villages URF supports:
“I was touched and inspired when we interacted with the students and the people in the villages. You could sense strong enthusiasm and hope for a better life… it’s like an array of light in a thick forest.“– Prossy Namayanja
Are you a young professional passionate about making a difference, here is an opportunity for you to gain great skills as you give back to the community. Please contact us urfkampala@ugandarurafund.org