As you prepare for your volunteer experience, please reflect on this Chinese poem:
“Go to the people Live among the people Learn from them. Start with what they know. Build on what they have. But of the best leaders, when their task is accomplished, their work is done, the people will say. . . We have done it ourselves.”
We welcome volunteers of all ages to participate in our ongoing development efforts in the villages of Masaka and Rakai, southwestern Uganda. You can volunteer as an individual or a group for a minimum of at least one month. Three weeks can be arranged in special cases. Our volunteers come from across the globe. In the past, they have come from countries such as: Uganda, Canada, USA, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, UK, Australia, etc.
Volunteer work involves but not limited to: teaching, helping kids at the orphanage, gardening, office work, conducting workshops, teaching crafts, home visits, construction, etc.
With questions, please contact:
John Mary Lugemwa, OSB
or 1-763-291-1102