Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

engineering students bring clean water to poor homes in Uganda | Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

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  • Univ. of Minnesota engineering students bring clean water to poor households in rural Uganda
29 Jun

Access to clean water is a huge challenge for many people in rural Uganda. Working with EWB students from University of Minnesota, URF has started building rainwater harvesting systems for households in rural villages. This summer of 2013, two families are enjoying clean water as a result this effort.

Finished water tank


In Uganda, “38% of the population still had no access to an improved water source in 2010. Concerning access to improved sanitation, figures vary widely: According to government figures it was 70% in rural areas and 81% in urban areas, while according to UN figures it was only 34%,” (World Health Organization; UNICEF. “Joint Monitoring Program”. Retrieved 2012-07-16.)

Nalongo, Yasin

EWB-umn students

In the previous years, EWB has built a rainwater systems at Hope Academy and Bugonzi Primary School as a well as an underground water pump system for the Academy. The water at the school is also accessible to people from neighboring villages.

Thanks to everyone who supports EWB projects through funding, material donations, and technical support. Many thanks to the students who dedicate their time, resources and expertise to help our communities.
