During URF’s village profiling exercise conducted in the recent months, the most recurring outcry from the people was the urgent need for clean water and affordable health care for almost all the communities we serve. These two needs are intertwined and URF is making effort to address them both. We are excited to announce the opening of the “Mirembe Community Health Center”, a small clinic located at Hope Academy to serve our students and neighboring villages. The clinic is stocked with most of the needed medicine for basic treatment. We only charge a small fee to cover the cost of drugs prescribed for the patient so the next patient can find needed drugs. Patients with major illnesses are referred to large clinics and hospitals in Masaka. URF also has a medical van to assist with transportation in emergency cases. Our two nurses don’t turn away any patient; anyone who comes to the clinic is treated and can pay later. We are still making arrangements for a visiting doctor to come at least once a week. Medical doctors or nurse volunteers are welcome; let us know if you can help.