Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

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2020 Project Updates

+ For much of 2020, all schools in Uganda were closed due to COVID-19.

+ When construction projects were allowed to carry on, construction continued on various aspects of Hope, including making progress on the girls’ dormitory at Hope Junior, some landscaping work in the compound, and a block of six new teachers’ quarters.

+ We completed work on five homes for families in need and began work on two more.

+ Due to a generous $1,200 donation from a family in Kentucky, we provided beds, mattresses, bed sheets, blankets, clothes, and shoes to children from families in need.

+ With funding from Love Without Boundaries and generous online donations, we provided food relief to families struggling economically due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

+ We provided medical assistance to many children and youth struggling with severe medical conditions, including treatment for conditions such as spina bifida, skin cancer, cerebral palsy, severe malnourishment, brain tumors, and severe injuries.

One Reply to “News”


24 Aug 2009

Hi John Mary, thanx for the effort,time, energy and any other form of sacrifice invested into designing this site. Its beautiful and gives a wider perspective of URF activities. So many people especially children are under priviledge and dont have a voice out there. But with URF in place am optimistic there is a brighter future ahead of our children. With the seminars being arranged, children will gain the confidence to always express their views before their peers and bigger crowds. Thanx once again, for the great work.

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