Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

Children are waiting for sponsors. Give them hope!

Standard sponsorship is $600 a year, or $50 a month. This amount covers tuition, boarding, uniforms, books, lunch fee, school requirements, and other basic supplies like pens and pencils, geometry sets, shoes, clothes, etc.


However, if $600 a year is not possible, you may consider making a general donation toward the Teachers’ Salary Fund. This fund provides education for many other orphan students who don’t have sponsors yet. About 60% of our students can not afford to pay tuition, and we let them study until we can find sponsors for them. These students had previously dropped out of school due to financial reasons. By supporting the Teachers’ Salary Fund, you sponsor more than one student.

You may mail a check made to Uganda Rural Fund at 12829 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238. You can also make your donation online through PayPal by clicking on the Donate button above. However, PayPal deducts a processing fee—so not 100% goes to your child. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. John Mary: or 763-291-1102. Thanks for providing educational support for children in need!