It was a moment of Joy to both teachers and students of Hope Integrated Academy when new books that totaled over 1,000 copies or more were delivered to school. The books cover a wide range of subjects: Math, English, Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, Religious Education, History, Literature, and various reference material for primary and secondary school curriculum.
Each student wanted to catch a glimpse of what
was in the van and all were willing to off-load the contents to the Library.
These new books were acquired through the efforts of the long time friends of URF, Chris Blake and Dan Hall who did a great job of fundraising. Many THANKS and sincere gratitude from students and teachers to all our generous donors who contributed to this noble cause—a gift of quality education for the empowerment of rural kids in Uganda.
The funds were delivered to Uganda and the books were bought locally following recommendations of teachers and students and relevance to the curriculum requirements of the Uganda Ministry of Education.
The bought books covered almost all the taught subjects at secondary level with a bias on science subjects since the focus of the school is to encourage the teaching of science subjects. “I shall be able to do better science subjects since I can now access science reading materials. Thanks to our good benefactors”, Ssenkayi Milton, a Senior 4 student who wishes to become a chemist in future commented.
Some other books are yet to be bought especially those that cover vocational studies like wood work, carpentry, entrepreneurship studies, tailoring, brick laying and concrete practice, electric installation, agriculture, motor vehicle mechanics, plumbing e.t.c.
The teachers were equally happy at the consignment of books after realizing that it would now be possible for each student to have a copy of a book during class. Sarah Ddungu who teaches the English language is optimistic that her work is going to be simplified by the availability of enough English language text books and simple story books. “Students shall be exposed to guided self study exercises in my subject rather than entirely depending on me as the sole source of the learning materials”, she said amid a smile of Joy on her face.
The books which were received have to be kept safe and maintain them so that we don’t lose these valuable treasures. To that end, URF volunteers were called on to give a helping hand on marking and cataloguing the new books. One of the volunteers who has got a mother; who for a long time has worked in public libraries has promised to consult her mother on how best a library should be managed.
Besides, some new procedure has been put up on how students can easily access these new books either borrowing them on a short term ( a day), long term (week), very long term (month).
We have also begun sensitizing students on how to keep the books in good conditions without tearing them and wearing off their covers. (by Thaddeus, the Principal)