Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

Volunteers share blessings with kids in child-headed families | Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

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  • Volunteers share blessings with kids in child-headed families
18 Jul

URF supports child-headed families that are facing difficulties meeting their basic needs such as: school fees, clothing, clean water, housing, basic household supplies, etc. Child-headed families are homes in which children have assumed the role of parent and child.

Parents have died leaving the children with no one to take care of them. The children are forced to survive on their own.  We also support families headed by widows or grandmothers taking care of orphans. If you feel touched by their stories, please consider supporting them in any way you can.




This summer, 2015, volunteers from Uganda and abroad donated a wide range of supplies that were distributed to a number of child-headed families. URF is responsible for the welfare of more than 20 child-headed families in the villages around Lwengo district.

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