Uganda Rural Fund (URF)

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03 Feb
Youth cleaning up Kyetume township

URF youth do not simply talk about problems in their communities, they band together to find simple solutions working as a team to make a difference.

On the Saturday, of January 28th, 2012, the “URF Youth United to Serve” group launched a community service project that involved cleaning the small town/trading center of Kyetume. A group of over 30 youth together with URF staff and volunteers spent an afternoon collecting garbage around the town and properly disposing it.

Some local official were inspired by the youths’ initiative and rolled up their sleeves to help. The officials included the Local Council III Chairperson, the DISO, the District Health Officer, the Minister of Defense, and several Counselors of the Lwengo district.

Besides, cleaning the town, the youth and URF staff talked with the residents about the importance of hygiene and sanitation in their homes and around the town. They encouraged residents to have latrines or regularly clean ones they have and importance of properly disposing off garbage to promote health living in the community.

With the enthusiasm of the URF youth together with community residents, a lot will be accomplished as URF strives to enrich lives, one village at a time.

some of the cleaning crew
